Pets & People: Warm-Weather Safety Tips
Mar 10, 2021 10:59AM ● By Emma Eldridge
With the change of season, we’re ready to tackle spring cleaning, yard work, and many other projects around the house. But before you jump into seasonal chores or outdoor projects, look around to assess potential hazards for your furry friends.
Spring Cleaning
Many of us look forward to a sparkling clean home and are eager to wash away winter’s dust and grime. As you pull out mops, brooms, and cleaners, take care to keep household products away from pets. Bleach, carpet fresheners and shampoos, and floor and toilet cleaners can cause stomach upset or worse. Even all-natural cleaning products contain chemicals that may be harmful to pets. Dispose of unused or dirty solutions as soon as you’ve finished the job, and always read and follow label directions for proper use and storage.
Home Improvement
Products such as paints and solvents can be toxic to your pets and cause severe irritation or chemical burns. Also be cautious of building or remodeling hazards including nails, staples, insulation, and power tools. Consider confining your dog or cat to a closed-off room during home improvement projects.
How Does Your Garden Grow?

The fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides that keep our plants and lawns healthy and green may be dangerous if your pet ingests them. Always store these products in out-of-the-way places and follow label instructions carefully.
Pest Parade
Warmer weather brings some not-so-welcome visitors—bugs! Make sure your pet is on year-round heartworm preventive medication as well as a flea and tick control program. Ask your veterinarian to recommend a plan for your pet.
Heading Out
Warmer weather means more trips to the park, longer walks, and more chances for your pet to wander off. Make sure your dog or cat has a microchip for identification and wears a tag imprinted with your home address, cell phone, and any other relevant contact information.
Going for a Ride?
Pets riding in cars should always be secured in a crate or wearing a seatbelt harness designed for them. Although most dogs love to stick their heads out the windows of moving cars, it is dangerous. Flying debris and insects can cause inner ear or eye injuries.
What’s in a Name?

Most of us have heard that the adoption of dogs and cats has increased during the pandemic. But families are also looking for not-so-furry friends, including turtles. If you need help naming your new pet, came up with 50 favorites. Of those, here are our top picks:
- Bentley
- Bolt
- Bowser
- Flip (or Flipper)
- Howard
- Lightning
- Madge
- Squirtle
- Tank
- Turbo