Some of the favorites from BrewFest Beverage and Meuleman's Craft Draughts
Jul 14, 2023 11:38AM ● By John Gales
Recommendations [13 Images]
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Summer Activity Recommendations from Brewfest Beverage and Meulemann's Craft Draughts!
With all the things to do in Vermont in Summer, we thought we’d ask the experts for recommendations to bring the right local delicacy to go with it.

Hiking - River Roost Mas Verde (my personal favorite beer for the summit!) Great all around beer, perfect amount of alcohol when you only have room for one, satisfying hop flavor without overpowering.
Camping - Barr Hill RTD Gin & Tonic - When you want something straight forward and top quality, look no further. So simple, yet so good!
Picnic/BBQ - Good Measure Riser Cream Ale - Crisp, refreshing, sessionable.
Picnic/BBQ - Bargemone Rose - My kind of rose, dry, great flavor that leaves you wanting more.
Bonfire - Shelburne Farms Iapetus Tributary cans - refreshing and wonderfully aromatic/funky, smooth yet full flavored.
Greg Meuleman of the world famous, okay maybe not but should be, Meuleman’s Craft Draughts near Stratton.
• There are many great mountain biking opportunities in the area including the lift-served trails at Stratton and Mount Snow but we more often like to get out for rides of a more mellow nature such as on the West River Trail. Check out the Jamaica Area Mt Bike Association's newly built trail at the Ball Mt Dam. And then pairing with a Prohibition Pig Little Fluffy Clouds APA.
• A hike in the Jamaica State Park to Hamiton Falls would not be complete without Whetstone's State Park Kolsch.
• Looking for and easy escape into the wild, head to Gale Meadow Pond in Winhall. Here you'll easily be able to launch your canoe sipping on Feather, a pilsner from Vermont Beer Makers. You might even spot a Bald Eagle.
• Camping at Grout Pond is one of our favorites. Listen to the loons sitting by the campfire sipping on an Outer Limits Proctorsville Porter.
Enjoy your summer!
Enjoy your summer!