2021 Tour de Taste - A Pedaling Picnic

Like to eat? Like to ride? Join us for our scenic, pedaling picnic through the Connecticut River Valley. Bring your bike to enjoy the autumn foliage and beautiful scenery at your own pace. Along the way you will meet local food producers and community members at food stops as you taste the delicious harvest bounty from local farms and restaurants. Choose one of our three routes: the family-friendly Lake Morey Loop (6 miles), the Classic Loop (21 miles), or the River Road Extension designed for advanced riders (31 miles). Please see below for a synopsis of the three routes (when registering you will be required to identify which route you will be riding). Your registration includes detailed route maps, directions, support vehicles, and, of course, an incredible menu of locally produced foods!
click the link to pick your loop.
Date & Time
September 12, 2021